Hello, world!

I am Günter Obiltschnig a software engineer and entrepreneur from Carinthia, Austria.
I am the founder and creator of the POCO C++ Libraries and macchina.io EDGE and REMOTE.

What I Do

I have been programming computers since age 12. And even before I first got my hands on a real computer (a C64 my dad borrowed from a friend in 1985), I wrote my first programs using pen and paper. In my career I have programmed everything from 8-bit home computers (C64, MSX) to IBM big iron systems (COBOL and JCL, VM/CMS and CICS), various Unix systems, OpenVMS, Windows NT in its various incarnations, the Mac (classic and modern macOS), to "bare metal" embedded devices and iPhone/iPad. I have a diploma (MSc. equivalent) in Computer Science from the University of Linz, Austria.

My current main interests are embedded systems (mostly Linux-based), cross-platform C++ development, JavaScript and, foremost, the Internet of Things.


About Me

When I am not working, I spend time with my family or enjoy one of my hobbies — sailing, running, swimming, skiing, listening to or making music (drums and keyboard, and a little bit of guitar), and reading. I am also very interested in spaceflight and its history.

I also enjoy traveling. In 2012, I've lived for three wonderful summer months in the San Francisco Bay Area with my family. For most of 2013 I've lived at Lake Constance. Currently, I live with my family at the beautiful Wörthersee (Lake Wörth) near Klagenfurt, Austria.



In late Summer 2004 I started working on the POCO C++ Libraries. The POCO C++ Libraries are widely used in the industry, from embedded devices/IoT to datacenter software, and from games to defense, by well-known companies such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, HP, Intel, Cisco, and many more, too many to mention here. Most of the onging development is now driven by a community on GitHub, but I still assume the project leadership role.

Based on the POCO C++ Libraries I have also designed and implemented high-level C++ frameworks like Open Service Platform and Remoting. In 2013, these two, along with the V8 JavaScript engine, became the foundation of macchina.io EDGE, a toolkit for IoT edge device and gateway software.

Another product that is a direct outcome of my early IoT work is my-devices.net, which started as a secure web- and cloud-based remote access platform for embedded devices, and which is growing into a more general cloud-based IoT device management and data ingestion platform as a companion to macchina.io. In 2018 my-devices.net was renamed to macchina.io REMOTE. Together with macchina.io EDGE, these are the current main focus of my work.
I work for my own company, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.

Occasionally, more as a hobby, I also develop for iOS and have a couple of iPhone and iPad apps on the App Store. AIS Radar, an app visualizing ship positions received from a Wi-Fi-connected AIS device (Automatic Identification System, a widely used system for transmitting and receiving ship positions, and other data), is one example, but I have also worked on apps that help kids like my daughter understand the foundations of mathematics.


My experience in C++ (25+ years), embedded systems development and Internet of Things system architecture, design and development, from sensor to cloud (10+ years), is available through my consulting services via my company Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.

I also provide trainings and workshops for the POCO C++ Libraries and macchina.io.

Some of the services I can provide are:

  • Workshops to help you and your team get started with the POCO C++ Libraries and macchina.io. This usually includes a mix of presentations, discussions and also joint design and coding sessions specific to your project.
  • Software and system architecture and design support, with a focus on IoT and cloud-connected devices, including edge and fog computing concepts.
  • Code and design reviews, developer mentoring and trouble-shooting. I have experience rescuing failing projects by refactoring and fixing broken code bases and introducing a proper software development process.
  • C++ software development with POCO C++ Libraries and macchina.io.

Please contact me for more information and to discuss your specific requirements.


From time to time I speak at conferences, such as Embedded World, ESE Kongress, ACCU Conference, Embedded Systems Conference and others. Following are some of the papers and slides I've presented in recent years. You can also find presentations on SlideShare.

English Papers

Designing and Building Portable Systems in C++

A paper describing techniques for designing and implementing cross-platform software in C++.

Cross-Platform Issues With Floating-Point Arithmetics in C++

A paper discussing the use of floating-point arithmetics in cross-platform C++ projects.

Automatic Configuration and Service Discovery for Networked Smart Devices

This paper gives an overview of technologies for automatic network configuration and service discovery.

Using C++ to Create Better Device Software

This paper describes how C++ can be used to create more robust software.

C++ for Safety-Critical Systems (Slides)

An overview of how C++ can be used for the development of safety-critical systems, including a look at MISRA-C++ and JSF C++.

German Papers

Sichere Fernwartung über das Internet

Implementierung von sicheren Web-basierten Fernwartungszugängen für Embedded Systeme.

Touchscreens mit Web-Technologien umsetzen

Web-basierte grafische Benutzerschnittstellen für Touchscreen-basierte Embedded-Systeme? Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wäre das mangels entsprechender Technologien nicht möglich gewesen. Dies hat sich dank moderner Mikrocontroller sowie hochoptimierte Software-Komponenten geändert.

Geräte per Web-Browser aus der Ferne steuern und überwachen

Eine neue Technologie von Applied Informatics ermöglicht den unkomplizierten und sicheren Fernzugriff auf den Web-Server eines Embedded Systems, selbst wenn sich das Gerät hinter einem NAT Router oder einer Firewall befindet und keine öffentliche IP Adresse hat.

Web Browser-basierte Benutzerschnittstellen für Linux-basierte Embedded Systeme

Dieser Artikel beschreibt verschiedene Techniken zur Realisierung von Web Browser basierte Benutzerschnittstellen für Embedded Linux Systeme.

Embedded Linux Applikationen mit C++ entwickeln

Dieser Artikel zeigt anhand von Code Beispielen, wie Embedded Linux Applikationen mit C++ und den POCO C++ Libraries entwickelt werden können.

C++ in der Embedded-Entwicklung — was ist dran an den Vorurteilen

Ein Artikel über den Einsatz von C++ in der Embedded Entwicklung, wobei insbesonders auf die Themen Performance und Ressourcen-Verbrauch eingegangen wird.

C++ für sicherheitskritische Systeme

Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Einsatz von C++ in sicherheitskritischen Systemen, wobei insbesonders auf Codierungsstandards wie MISRA-C++ und JSF C++ eingegangen wird.

Wissenswertes zum Einsatz von Open Source Software in Embedded Projekten

Was ist beim Einsatz von Open Source Software in Embedded Projekten zu beachten? Dieser Artikel gibt Antworten und nützliche Hinweise.

C++ Performance-Fallen und wie man sie umgeht

Wie verhindert man häufig auftretende Performance Probleme beim unbedachten Einsatz bestimmter C++ Features.

Was steckt hinter dem Internet der Dinge?

Eine Einführung ins Internet der Dinge.

Internet of Cars - In-Vehicle Services mit Open Source IoT Technologien umsetzen

Dieser Artikel stellt ein Umsetzungskonzept für Fahrzeugtelematikdienste (In-Vehicle Services) mit macchina.io vor.

Edge und Fog Computing Architekturen im Industrial IoT

Eine Einführung in Edge und Fog Computing Konzepte im Kontext des Industrial IoT.


Dipl.-Ing. Günter Obiltschnig
Maria Elend 227
9182 St. Jakob im Rosental

email: guenter@obiltschnig.com
skype: gobiltschnig


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Photo Credits

Helge Bauer, Günter Obiltschnig